Toasting Glasses - Fleur De Lis Goblet
Suggested Wordings
(3 to 4 medium size words).
Michelle and Bruce |
Merry Christmas |
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Steve and Margaret |
Merry Christmas |
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Margaret and Steve |
Happy Holidays |
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Bruce and Michelle |
Happy Holidays |
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Happy 35th Anniversary |
Happy New Year |
Smith-Jones Family Reunion '20 | Over the Hill Bruce Smith |
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Smith Family Reunion September 1, 2018 | Happy Birthday Bruce September 1, 2018 |
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George Washington High '00 15 Year Reunion | Higgins Class of '01 Reunion 9-1-18 |
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Virginia's 1st Birthday September 1, 2018 | Happy 5th Birthday Bruce 9-1-17 |
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Happy Sweet Sixteen Virginia 9-1-20 |
St. Paul's Little League | Margaret and Steve's |
Awards Night '18 | Rehearsal Party |
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George Washington High | Sue's Bridal Shower |
Jr.-Sr. Prom '18 | September 1, 2018 |
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Mary Smith's Retirement | Sue's Baby Shower |
1962 Acme Lock 2020 | September 1, 2018 |
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Mary Smith's Retirement | Sue and Mike's |
September 1, 2020 | Bar Shower |
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Alpha Beta Alpha | Sue and Mike's |
Spring Formal '19 | Bar Shower 9-1-20 |
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Mississippi State | |
Homecoming '18 | |
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First Baptist Church | |
Ladies Auxillary Day '17 |